Org Certification

Every Problem is a Leadership Problem
We are changing the dysfunction of youth sport into an experience where everyone thrives 
  • Turnover of Coaches & Players
  • ​Developing Your Coaches 
  • ​Parents' Unrealistic Expectations
  • ​Recruiting the Highest Quality of Players
  • ​Organizational Alignment
  • Balancing Family, Life & Sport​
  • The Bottom Line

The Fit to Lead 
Org Certification

We are Changing the Dysfunction of Youth Sport into an Experience where Everyone Thrives

By equipping you with world-class tools and systems, 
Proven to work across the globe in every sector of life... 
Now specifically designed for your youth sports organization.

Attract & Keep the Highest Quality
Use our tools and systems to become the organization everyone wants to play and coach for, attracting and keeping the highest quality of people.
Intentional Development
Use our tools and systems to create a culture where everyone in your organization is intentionally developed and equipped to be their best.
Maximize Performance
Use our tools and systems to establish alignment which will maximize organizational, team and personal performance.
Parents are Your Asset
Use our tools and systems to establish clear expectations, effectively communicate, and turn parents from 
a liability into an asset. 
Everyone Fulfills Their Role
Use our tools and systems to establish a culture where every player, parent and coach knows and fulfills their unique role, and is valued for their contribution.
Always on a Journey of Success
Use our tools and systems to ensure your organization is always in momentum towards success, regardless of what the scoreboard says
Be Your Best in Sport & Life
Use our tools and systems to establish a rhythm that enables everyone in your organization to be their best each day on the field of play, at home, and in every area of life.
Become Fit to Lead Certified
Get equipped with our world-class tools and systems specifically designed for you.

Fit to Lead is Your Solution 

“Eisha and the team at Fit to Lead are experts in coaching and sports leadership. Too many directors are working in their programs versus on their programs. Becoming Fit to Lead allows directors to break through glass ceilings and experience continued growth. Fit to Lead is your solution to improving parent relations, enhancing program culture, and unlocking the full potential of your coaches and athletes.”
Leadership Coach - Jeff Ramos

The Results Speak for Themselves

“Coach Eisha has been a godsend on my coaching journey. The Fit to Lead program has not only made me a better coach, but it’s given me the tools required to become the best father, husband and human I can be. Following the simple framework - with an open heart - will allow you, too, to meet the leader locked inside of you. So if you are ready level up your life, you owe it to yourself to try this program. The results will speak for themselves.” 
Coach - Charlie Tanner

Valuable Tools for All of Life

"The Fit to Lead program is a gift that speaks not only to coaches and parents, but truly anyone involved in relationships. It offers valuable tools that both support and challenge the way you think, operate, communicate and problem solve. If you are willing, Fit to Lead will open your eyes to how engaging differently with your players, your children and even your spouse, can empower you to live a more successful, free and purposeful life. Enjoy!” 
Parent & Coach - Kalee Strachan

All leadership problems are rooted in 1 of 5 areas:
Communication, Relationships, Alignment, Execution, Capacity

The Fit to Lead Org Certification Provides:

  • ​World-class Tools & Systems: a deep dive into foundational tools which will equip your people to maximize their ability to lead, motivate, communicate and achieve success as an organization, team and personally
  • Maximize Organizational Performance: a system which will help you create a culture where communication and relationships are healthy, so that alignment and execution become easy and growth occurs
  • Fit to Lead Operating System: a system of timeless fundamentals which ensures effective implementation and maximum growth for your entire organization
  • Accountability: the support and challenge needed along the journey, as you intentionally add these tools to your leadership tool belt    
  • Specifically Designed for You: each session provides the "minimum effective dose" that gives you everything you need, and nothing you don't
  • ​On Your Own Timeline: with 24/7 access you can complete your certification when it's the best time for you, and at your own pace
  • Transformational Journey: this experience will equip you with the right tools to successfully navigate the adventure of being a director, to empower you and everyone in your organization, to become and create leaders worth following 

Now you have the opportunity to be equipped with these proven world-class tools and systems, so that you can effectively build 
successful cultures, teams and leaders.

Your Fit to Lead Org Certification:

Cost: $497 per month

Zero Risk:  Unsubscribe at any time

Also Available to Further Equip You...

1 on 1 Consulting Sessions:  $97 per hour
Receive specialized consultation as we work together through your unique challenges and opportunities, ensuring that you are making the most of your training. Intentionally take time to work on your organization - not be consumed working in it - so that you and your organization can achieve the next level of effectiveness and success.

Group Coaching Sessions (2-8 people):  $249 per hour
Provide your coaches, parents and staff with the unique opportunity to process, learn and grow together - coaches with coaches, parents with parents, staff with staff. Specifically addressing the challenges and opportunities they encounter in their unique roles... so that your organization can flourish! 

Priceless Investment... 
You cannot place a price tag on your opportunity as a director and the impact you can have which lasts a lifetime!  

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Refund Policy:  If you are not completely satisfied with your Fit to Lead Org Certification, please shoot us an email at  You can cancel at anytime.  Your initial purchase is non-refundable.  We’re on the path to high performance ourselves, and value any feedback around how we can improve our product.
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